

In the summer of 2015, I was at home, sick and cuddled up in front of the TV with Chase.  He was 12 and 1/2 years old and I began to wonder how much longer we would be together.  I grabbed my phone and conducted a search on the lifespan of an English Setter.  I gasped when I saw the answer.  "You are already past your expiration date!" I declared and hugged my dog a little tighter.  I wasn't ready to let go.

I was reminded several times about Brandy, the English Setter in my life for a couple of years when I lived outside of Charleston.  She far surpassed the statistics that were flashing on my phone.  

Life continued and milestones were reached.  Each Christmas, I would catch Chase gazing trance-like at the lights and ornaments of the tree or sleeping sweetly in front of the fireplace.  Each January 28th was a birthday celebration of yet another year.  And we all slowed down just a little bit.  Walks became shorter.  Squirrels no longer held his attention but this dog sure could tell time.  Meals were required promptly at 6:30AM and 6PM.  Bedtime was 10PM sharp and he enjoyed his heating pad. 

I don't know why he has exceeded all expectations but I am grateful every day.  When I began this journey with him in 2003, he was five weeks old.  I hoped to give him a long and happy life and I believe that my goal was accomplished.  I'm lucky to have loved him nearly his whole life...18 and counting.

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