
Chase + Puddles

Chase has had many cat friends in his life but none has inspired him like Puddles.  

The Englishboy returned to Georgia with two cats:  Puddles and Mr. Kitty.  Puddles was a beautiful, petite special needs cat with a form of dwarfism and down’s syndrome.  Each morning, Chase peered through the gate to the downstairs area, and waited for Puddles to greet him. 

When we returned from work, we could see evidence of dried dog drool at the closed door.  Chase had lingered on the carpet runner for the occasional cat paw to slide beneath the door through the day.  

When the cats were permitted to visit, with Abby safely banned from the house, Puddles would search for Chase and he would follow her everywhere like a lovesick puppy.  And one evening, after watching this, I realized that the two companions truly formed the essence of my blog’s name:  Chasing Puddles.



In the summer of 2015, I was at home, sick and cuddled up in front of the TV with Chase.  He was 12 and 1/2 years old and I began to wonder how much longer we would be together.  I grabbed my phone and conducted a search on the lifespan of an English Setter.  I gasped when I saw the answer.  "You are already past your expiration date!" I declared and hugged my dog a little tighter.  I wasn't ready to let go.

I was reminded several times about Brandy, the English Setter in my life for a couple of years when I lived outside of Charleston.  She far surpassed the statistics that were flashing on my phone.  

Life continued and milestones were reached.  Each Christmas, I would catch Chase gazing trance-like at the lights and ornaments of the tree or sleeping sweetly in front of the fireplace.  Each January 28th was a birthday celebration of yet another year.  And we all slowed down just a little bit.  Walks became shorter.  Squirrels no longer held his attention but this dog sure could tell time.  Meals were required promptly at 6:30AM and 6PM.  Bedtime was 10PM sharp and he enjoyed his heating pad. 

I don't know why he has exceeded all expectations but I am grateful every day.  When I began this journey with him in 2003, he was five weeks old.  I hoped to give him a long and happy life and I believe that my goal was accomplished.  I'm lucky to have loved him nearly his whole life...18 and counting.