We have enjoyed watching this chipmunk and even have a small, silver plated pedestal dish that we leave on the driveway with sunflower seed offerings. It was perfect for the chipmunk who looked quite healthy with sleek brown fur over a fluffy white underbelly.
Last year we realized, accidentally, that the chipmunk traveled frequently in the old black flexible tube that once connected to the downspout, carrying excessive water away from the house. We planned to unearth it but now felt obligated to leave it be.
The chipmunk basked in the sunlight, his back protected by the stone of our house and he had easy access to his man-made tunnel. His face was a picture of pleasure and his eyes winked and blinked as he fought off an afternoon nap. After many minutes, we stepped away from the front windows and in the time we were gone, the chipmunk performed his disappearing act.
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