On the occasional trip to the Goodwill, I would suggest
to the Englishman that we rid ourselves of the chairs. His reaction varied from glares, to pouts to
ignoring my presence entirely. After
changing the older English Boy’s bedroom into a computer room, the Englishman
moved the Papasan chairs to their new location. He was courageous and waited until I was away for the weekend.
I must admit it…they are comfortable. They are also comical, especially when The
Englishman lost his balance and fell onto the floor. The one thing I never counted on was how much
our dachshund, Charlie, loved the chairs.
When they were located on the porch, he never slept in them. Now, if I was searching for Charlie, the first
place I looked was the computer room. Most
of the time, the little dog had curled up into one fast asleep. Ugly or not, this was one battle that I didn't think I would win.