So during one of the hottest spring weekends in Georgia, the Englishman set out to construct a hexagon-shaped floating duck house. I was given the chore of painting it. A simple task under normal springtime conditions; however the paint dried as fast as I could apply it. The result was a clean, white house attached to a bright yellow platform. A plastic green plank was added to the side so that the ducks could access the platform. The tin roof was pressed into place with some difficulty and styrofoam was fitted beneath the structure with wire.
The moment had arrived to launch the Quack Shack and discover if it would float. The Englishman and the English Boy carried the house to the pond and placed it on the back of the rowboat. The English Boy paddled to the middle of the pond and while we held our breath, the Quack Shack was launched. Amazingly, it floated!
It was time to introduce the ducks to their new piece of real estate. I grabbed two ducks from the compound and stuffed them into a canvas shopping bag. It took a few moments to catch the other two ducks but my persistence paid off as I dropped them into a second shopping bag. All of the merriment was captured on video by the English Boy.
I placed one quacking and kicking bag into the boat and precariously sat on the edge of the seat while the English Boy paddled toward the white and yellow floating structure. It looked like a hard-boiled egg. The Englishman stood on the edge of the dock with the sole task of watching his two duck charges. As I attempted to push a duck inside the house, the second duck escaped from the grocery bag, waddling freely throughout the boat. Duck Number One wiggled out of my grasp and plunged into the murky water. As he attempted to get back into the boat, Duck Number Two leaped out of the boat. Ducks Three and Four dove from the dock and splashed into the water.
The sun was setting. The tin roof of the Quack Shack gleamed in the fading light. The English Boy continued to film his Youtube
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