
Close to the Bone

The English boy helped me set up the Halloween decorations at the beginning of October.  All of the skeletons came back out of the closet for the season.  Because the work began much later in the day, it was dark before we finished.

The next morning, I put Abby on her leash for her morning walk from the front door to the end of the driveway.  Dawn had yet to break and a slight mist was clinging to the autumn grass.  Abby sniffed and snorted as she searched for the perfect spot.  Suddenly she froze.  A low growl began in her throat.  I searched the yard and street for the intruder:  deer?  rabbit?  jogger?  the evil cat from next door?  I saw nothing but Abby crouched and pulled me slowly across the yard toward the skeletons carrying a body bag.  As she stealthily approached, I was still doubtful that she thought these were the front yard intruders.  She cautiously touched her nose to a femur and rapidly jumped back as if bitten by a rattlesnake.  

It took a few days to convince Abby that there was no danger, but make no bones about it, these skeletons looked real enough to this guard dog of ours.

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