We have a lot of dog art. My mom has painted portraits of our original group of dogs. My dad created a picture of Chase using a wood burning technique. We’ve purchased art from galleries that feature dogs or contain dogs. For the last few years I’ve whined and begged and stomped my foot at my mom who still has yet to produce a painting of our English Shepherd, Abby.
When we moved last year to our new house, we discovered that we had a lot of pictures to hang. Over the months, we began choosing walls and framing prints and worked our way through rooms and boxes of our pictures. I carefully pulled the bubble wrap from a picture we purchased in the Lake District in 2012, called “Cornered” by Jeff Sudders. I was drawn to it because of the spray painted marks on the sheep. They were in a corner of the pasture, held captive by a black and white English Shepherd.
I pointed out the "Abby Dog" to my husband and smiled at the thought of purchasing a painting with her in it before I ever loved her.